At the all new STRABAG Campus in Cologne we realized the complex installation of the complete media technology in the several conference-rooms. In close collaboration with the project leaders we accompanied the project by our expertise.
The installation comprised a total of 31 conference-rooms, the lounge- and cafeteria-area, the lobby, a gym and 2 central technology spaces. The conference-rooms consist of 11 think tanks, 8 small and 2 medium meeting-rooms, 8 video conferencing rooms and a big divisible conference-room.
Equipment includes several Samsung 4K displays, multifunctional diplays by ViewSonic, microphone systems by Beyerdynamic as well as Polycom video conferencing systems. The signal-management and control is realized by Biamp Tesira and Crestron components. As speakers systems by JBL and Fohhn are of use.